The purpose of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data (“LPPD”) with no 6698 that came into force on April 07, 2016 is to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, the right to privacy being the first, and to discipline the processing of personal data. Our company attaches great importance to the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, and it shows sensitivity at maximum level to processing, storing, and ensuring the confidentiality and safety of all kinds of personal data, of all the individuals related to the Company including those benefiting from our products and services, in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data (“LPPD”) with no 6698. Within this scope, in accordance with LPPD and relevant legislation, we would like to inform the owners of personal data regarding data controller, the purpose of processing of personal data, the individuals to whom the processed data will be transmitted and the purposes of such transmission, our legal grounds, and their rights within the scope of the law. You can access the detailed information through Koray GYO A.Ş.’s Corporate Policy Regarding the Protection and Processing of Personal Data. Personal data is collected by our Company in electronic and/or physical environment through our general directorate units, and through fax, phone, e-mail, and similar channels with the purposes specified in our policy.